City's General Plan to be Updated


General Plan Map


The City of Rancho Cucamonga is undertaking an important update to our General Plan, a road map for decision making for a 10-year period. Our award winning Healthy RC Program was an important outcome of the current General Plan, which was adopted in 2010. State law requires that we update our General Plan periodically to keep up with changing needs and conditions of the city and region, and also so the plan reflects new laws. Several development-related amendments and the required update to the Housing Element in 2017 have occurred, but the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan was last updated in 2010. Our Housing Element is due to be updated and submitted to the State in early 2022. Housing laws have been updated significantly in the last few years, which are designed to increase housing production and streamline the development review process. The significant increase expected in housing allocations from the Regional Housing Needs Assessment will require changes to the land use and transportation elements of our General Plan so we can show how we accommodate any additional housing units required. State law also requires that our General Plan include policies offering  balanced, varied transportation network so that folks in rural, suburban and urban areas can travel safely and conveniently. While our current General
Plan establishes the vision for Rancho Cucamonga as a healthy, innovative community with high-quality development, urban centers and corridors, a comprehensive update of our existing General Plan will advance our vision for a resilient, equitable and healthy community and take into account the new
laws. The General Plan update will address diversifying employment opportunities, expanding housing and mobility choices, and preserving the character, history and quality of life that makes Rancho Cucamonga a special place to live. It will consider a new law passed in 2016 that requires cities with disadvantaged communities to incorporate environmental justice policies into their General Plans, and we will look at increasing resiliency to climate change. Our update will include a Climate Action Plan. We will need input from our residents, businesses, property owners and institutional partners as we embark on this important visioning project. We look forward to your participation! More information about the General Plan update can be found at

New online engagement opportunity available. We want to hear from you!

Community Visioning Survey